Monday, November 16, 2009

Eco + Update

Throughout the several months from the beginning of the year, Eco + has acted upon re-encouraging solutions for environmental issues.

The first activity was done on assembly, where two of the Eco + students have presented a power point presentation about electricity consumption. It has been a good attempt to show the school about how the electricity system worked. Several people had cards in their hand, standing, showing their status in their society. The low class representatives were told to be seated as they were violated by rich people using too much electricity. This should have had a significant impact upon certain people, and would make them think before using their electricity.

As this presentation has been going well, the team is now attempting on a presentation upon primary school children. This presentation would be an attempt to show the young children the way environmental solutions work - rather focused on recycling. If this goes as planned, which has already been delayed few weeks, this would happen on the 25th of November. For children at younger age are more likely to listen to elder people, there are high expectations of these children to act upon the environment - sooner or later but much more significant than now.

Additional to these advertisements, a battery drive is planned. There are two problems: one, that the boxes to collect the batteries are not secure - although, once the box can be set, the drive can be started anytime - and two, the place to send the batteries are not secure as well. There are phone battery collectors, but general battery collectors seem to be harder to find. After these problems are fixed, the drive can be started, which I expect it to be soon.

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