Saturday, December 12, 2009


Ice Cube, the Winter Formal, took place on the 11th of December. This event was the second most important event for us, SGA -since the OSCars which is the most important- and we had a great time preparing for it. Using our president's idea, we tried something new making the OSC auditorium feel more winter-like. As the event's name suggests, huge ice cubes were set up in the auditorium foyer. Although it did not work as we thought, the consequences were not just mere failure. Yes, our greatest lesson was not to leave ice cubes in a foyer, and if there is really a need for it, use a lot of saw dust. But other than that, we also learned that these kinds of new ideas stimulate the students as well. We were able to gather more than 100 people, which I would state as a success in total. Our next objective would be to plan more wisely, and think of new ideas that do not use so much money, since our profit from this event was exceptionally low.

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